What is the Best Age to Start Wrinkle Removing Treatment?

Many people considering wrinkle removing treatment want to know when is the best time to start. While there’s no exact science, there are some factors you may want to consider before diving into your first treatment.

Are There Any Benefits to Having wrinkle removing treatment in Your 20s?

Younger women who are concerned about developing wrinkles often want to use wrinkle removing treatment injections in Birmingham as a preventative measure. While those who have experienced sun damage, have smoked, or have encountered other environmental factors that encourage the early development of aged skin can benefit, this doesn’t stand true for all women in their 20s. Initiating wrinkle removing treatment and overusing it at an early age can cause muscle atrophy, which in itself can make someone appear older. As such, obtaining a consultation with an aesthetician first is essential.

When is the Optimal Age to Begin Using Wrinkle Removing Treatment?

If you start using wrinkle removing treatment in your 30s, the time when finer lines begin to settle in, you may slow down the onset of deeper wrinkles and prevent the need for more invasive anti-ageing techniques later on. Wrinkle removing treatment at this stage in life can lift eyelids and eyebrows, as well as smoothen out crow’s feet.

Women who reach their 40s are less likely to experience the benefits of face creams than those who are younger, which means wrinkle removing treatment can act as a useful way to offset the effects of deeper creases around the eyes, as well as frown lines. For those who are worried about looking ‘overdone’ in their 40s, a consultation with a beautician holding the right qualifications is recommended.

Can You Have Wrinkle Removing Treatment When You’re in Your 50s or Older?

While there is no harm in starting wrinkle removing treatment at this age, you may find you need to combine it with other treatments, such as dermal fillers, to experience the full benefits. This is due to wrinkles having a deeper set and the face losing its volume, making fillers an ideal complement to wrinkle removing treatment. Those who wait until this age may also find they need more treatments to see the desired effects.

If you’d like to discuss the benefits of wrinkle removing treatment and whether it’s appropriate for your age group, contact us at Fiona Clossick today.

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