Skin Care Habits to Give Up this New Year

As we enter 2015 it’s a great time to re-evaluate your skin care routine and give up some of those bad habits that might be damaging your skin. There are plenty of skin care myths that we have all heard that are actually bad for you, so we’ll take a look at some of the most common habits that you should give up.

Over-Using Products

When cleansing your face, less really is more. When you have a break out, it can be tempting to clean your face every spare minute you have, but this will dry out your skin and strip it of the essential oils you need for healthy skin.

Not Moisturising Oily Skin

It seems to make sense that if you have oily skin, you don’t need to moisturise as it appears to be doing a pretty good job of that itself! But even oily skin needs moisture, and by withholding this, you could be making it even oilier. If skin doesn’t get enough moisture, it will overcompensate by self-hydrating, meaning more oil.

Picking and Popping

Now this is an obvious one; we all know that picking at spots isn’t good for your skin, but it can be ever so tempting! But attacking those spots can make your skin worse, as it spreads infections and can push pus even further down into the skin.

Taking Hot Showers

At this time of year, what’s better than jumping into a hot shower or sinking into a steaming bath? Well sadly, it’s another habit you should quit. Hot water dries out your skin, which as we all know can lead to a number of skin problems, so make sure you turn that cold tap a little more next time you run a bath.

Here at Fiona Aesthetics, we’re dedicated to helping you get the best skin you can. As an expert skin clinic in Birmingham, we have a whole range of treatments to make your skin glow, so if you are interested in any of our services, don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 07815904578 to speak to a member of our team.

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Wishing You a Very Happy Christmas From Everyone Here at Fiona Aesthetics!

Where have the last 12 months gone?! Somehow, Christmas has come around again, and it’s time for the festivities to begin. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest yuletide greetings to each and every one of our deeply valued customers, who have made this past year (and all the years previous) so successful for us.

We’ve had a great 2014 here at Fiona Aesthetics, as we’ve provided some of the best service in facial aesthetics. We have continued to give a unique and personal treatment to our customers who come back time and time again, describing us as “personable, honest and very professional”. Throughout the year, we’ve provided some of the best facial treatments out there, keeping our customers young, fresh and beautiful.

In 2015, we shall be continuing the good work, as we’ll carry on treating our regulars and also welcoming new customers in. We’ll also continue to update our blog with great beauty hints and tips to keep you looking fantastic between treatments as well.

We would like to thank all of our customers for making us successful for another year. Without your loyal support, none of this would be possible!

So, on behalf of all of us here at Fiona Aesthetics, we would like to wish you and all your loved ones a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! We hope that Santa brings you everything you wished for, and that 2015 brings you great joy and happiness.

Don’t forget, if you’re wishing for great skin and a fresh face this Christmas, take a look at our treatments or pop into our skin clinic in Birmingham. Get in touch with us by calling 07815904578 to speak to a member of our team.

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Skin Care Secrets Used by the Professionals

With so many different skin care tips and hints floating about, it can be confusing to know which ones to abide by, and which ones to ignore. That’s why some of the best tips are the ones we get from the professionals, as their expertise informs their own skin care regime. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best secrets used by the experts, so that you can start using them for yourself right now.


One of the best ways to ensure that your skin stays young and healthy is to protect it from the sun. Pour out enough sunscreen into the hollow of the palm of your hand, and use that to cover your face, neck and ears. It may seem like a lot, but this will make sure that you are thoroughly protected from the sun’s rays. Always use SPF 30 or higher for the face, as this skin is extra sensitive.

Eat Your Way to Good Skin

There are certain foods that will provide benefits for your skin due to essential fatty acids that reduce the inflammation that can accelerate fine lines, sagging and blotchiness. Eat almonds, salmon and tuna to give your skin a helping hand.

Keep Calm!

Stress is terrible for skin, so taking time to de-stress and relax is essential. Find out what works for you; whether that is taking a long, hot bath or going for a jog. Make sure that you give yourself some time to chill out so your skin has chance to relax.

Chill Out

For many of us, irritated eyes can be a recurring problem. Grab a bag of frozen peas and gently put it on your lids for around 5 minutes to reduce swelling and redness.

Downward-Facing Dog

Research has found that regular yoga practice can actually improve your skin, as it reduces the inflammation and stress that can speed up the process of skin aging. It’s thought that positions such as ‘Child’s Pose’, ‘Downward-Facing Dog’ and ‘Sun Salutations’ are great for your skin, as they help to improve circulation.

Here at Fiona Aesthetics, we’re experts in keeping your skin looking great. If you’re looking for a skin clinic in Birmingham, then look no further! We offer a great range of treatments, so if you’re interested in finding out more, contact us today on 07815904578 to speak to a member of our friendly team.

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Is Your Makeup Aging You?

Many of us rely on our make-up bag to make us look younger and more beautiful; to give us a temporary boost in the morning, to play up our strengths and to fill in what Mother Nature missed out on giving us. However, makeup may not always be the best thing for us – and it could be making you look older instead.

Makeup can damage your skin

We’re not talking about quite the same damage that ladies (and gentlemen) faced in the 18th Century, when it was fashionable to cake your face in poisonous white lead, but common cosmetics can still damage your skin in a number of ways.

Too Thick: Wearing makeup thickly simply clogs up your pores, which can lead to blackheads, pimples and acne outbreaks. It may be tempting to top-up your makeup for the evening, but it’s far healthier to wash it off and start afresh.

Expired: Makeup often comes with an expiry date, and it’s often ignored. It still works, right? Unfortunately, makeup is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, especially wet forms of makeup like mascara, so continuing to use old makeup can put you at risk of infections.

Shared: Whether it’s your best friend, your sister, mother or daughter, sharing your makeup isn’t a fantastic idea. Again, it breeds bacteria, and it can also carry viruses, particularly with anything that’s applied directly.

Choosing the right makeup

It’s unlikely that the same style and colours of makeup will suit you throughout your whole life – after all, how many of us can still pull off the same look at 37 that we rocked at 17?

Lovely Lips: As we get older, we often lose pigment in our lips, so a good lipstick becomes indispensable.

Lighter Eyes: If you have lines or wrinkles around the eyes, you don’t want to call the wrong kind of attention to them. Use lighter shades of eyeshadow and play up your eyelashes with a good mascara instead.

Easy on the Concealer:  You want to hide the dark circles under your eyes, so you reach for a concealer – but if you apply it too thickly, it can highlight lines and wrinkles at the same time. Use a moisturising cream first and apply your concealer with the lightest touch.

Whilst makeup is a great temporary fix, there are also a range of treatments available that can help to improve the look of your skin on a more long-term basis. If you’re interested in aesthetic treatments in Birmingham, you can call on 07815904578 or use the online contact form for more information.

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Winter Skin Care Secrets

With the colder weather on its way it’s time to start thinking about looking after your skin this winter. There’s no denying that the winter months can be a little harsh on your skin, and can really wreak havoc on your complexion. However here we give a quick guide to some winter skin care essentials, so you can winter proof your skin this season.

Banish Dry Skin

Cold temperatures, wild weather, and dry indoor heat during the winter months are a recipe for dry skin. However there are a number of things you can do to help protect your skin from dryness this winter. For example choosing a good moisturiser that can help lock in moisture and provide some much needed protection for your skin is essential. Oil-based moisturisers can be just the thing during the winter season, as these can create a protective layer for your skin and can also help your skin to retain more moisture.


Make sure you drink plenty of water this winter, to help keep your skin hydrated; this can also ensure your skin has a nice healthy glow this season.


Exfoliating your skin during the winter is a great way to brighten the look of your skin. A good exfoliator will help to remove the dead cells from the surface of your skin, leaving your skin looking fresh and glowing.

Change Your Routine

Winter can be the perfect time to make some changes to your skin care routine, after all, some of the products you would typically use at other times of the year may be a little harsh on your skin during the winter. So it’s often a good idea to invest in some new, milder skin care products, such as a more gentle cleanser that’s kinder on your skin.

This time of year is also perfect for treating your skin to a little TLC. Here at Fiona Clossick we are able to offer a great range of aesthetic treatments in Birmingham and can ensure your skin stays looking healthy and rejuvenated this winter. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help you with your enquiries.

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Surprising Causes Of Skin Damage

Whilst lifestyle factors such as smoking are well-known contributors to skin damage, there are also a number of other surprising factors that can have a negative impact on the health and appearance of our skin. Here we take a quick look at some of these hidden dangers that can affect our skin.

Sleeping with your makeup on

We can all admit to having fallen asleep with our makeup on at some point, for a variety of different reasons. Whilst this might seem relatively harmless, it’s important you don’t let this become a regular occurrence. Makeup can clog your pores and leaving it on overnight can lead to the development of skin problems such as acne.


Caffeine is a mild diuretic and as such can cause your skin to dry out when consumed in high quantities. Whilst there’s no harm in having the odd cup of coffee, caffeine is also contained in a large number of other products, so it can be worth keeping an eye on your caffeine intake.


Frowning can really leave its mark on your skin and can lead to the development of frown lines, which are fine wrinkles that tend to appear between your eyebrows. It is thought that these develop due to small muscle contractions triggered when we frown. Remember; it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

 Eating too much sugar

Interestingly, according to an article in the Huffington Post sugar is just as bad for your skin as it is for your waistline. When we consume sugar this raises the insulin levels in our bodies. Foods high in sugar cause our insulin levels to spike, setting off a chain of events that can result in the production of enzymes that break down important proteins found in our skin, such as collagen, leading to problems such as wrinkles.

 Given the surprising number of factors that can cause damage to your skin and contribute to skin aging, it is vital to take care of your skin to keep it looking at its best. If you’re looking for a skin clinic in Birmingham then here at Fiona Clossick Facial Aesthetics we are skincare experts and can offer a variety of treatments to leave your skin feeling fabulous. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us and one of our friendly team will be happy to help you with your enquiries.

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Easy Homemade Face Masks

Many of us enjoy a facemask; it helps to keep skin healthy and moisturised, plus it’s also a nice way to relax after a long day. There are plenty of pre-packaged facemasks on the market, those little sachets of oily gloop that promise to make you look five years younger, but have you ever considered making your own facemask at home?

There’s plenty of really effective and easy to make recipes for facemasks that you can whip up at home using common household ingredients you’ll find in the kitchen. Here are two of our favourites. Cucumber eyes are optional!

Rejuvenating Yoghurt and Oat Mask

You can use this simple facemask on any skin type. It’s extremely useful for cleansing and rejuvenating your face. All you need is one tablespoon of finely ground oats, one table spoon of organic live yoghurt (use unflavoured!) and a small quantity of honey.

Just mix the yoghurt and oats together in a small bowl. Then run a metal spoon under a hot tap, and place a few drops of honey onto the spoon; this will warm the honey. Mix the honey in with the oatmeal and yoghurt mixture.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for about 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply your favourite moisturiser.

The Banana & Milk Mask

Banana-based facemasks are said to be very good for the skin because of the high vitamin content of the popular yellow fruit. Also, this recipe is particularly effective for oily skin.

Simply select a nice, ripe and medium sized banana. Peel it and mash it up in bowl into a really smooth paste. Add some milk, around four or five table spoons and mix it up until you’re happy with the consistency. You may need more or less milk depending on the size of the banana you used.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for about 20 minutes. We’d recommend wearing a towel around your neck and shoulders in case the mixture is runny. Rinse off and see how radiant your skin looks!

Whilst these homemade masks can leave you feeling fresh with glowing skin, their effects aren’t permanent. Here at Fiona Clossick Aesthics we offer a range of beauty treatments in Birmingham that are proven to alleviate aging of the skin. Contact Fiona Clossick Aesthetics on 07815904578 for more information or to book a consultation.

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Everyday Things That Can Prevent Early-Aging

It goes without saying that smoking cigarettes and spending too much time in the sun can cause damage to your skin and encourage the process of early aging, however, have you ever wondered whether there are things you can do to slow that process down?

Here are a few of the everyday skin crimes we commit, and what to do in order to prevent the process of early aging.

Reduce the stress!

If you feel like you’re stressed more often than you’re not, there could be a problem. When you’re stressed, everything suffers – including your skin, health and of course, your looks. Stress can increase the concentration of hormones in the bloodstream, encouraging a rise in blood pressure and suppressing immunity. Over time, stress can eventually harden your arteries, delay healing processes and even shrink the areas of your brain that involve memory, mood and learning. No wonder you’re feeling old, eh?

Stress is present in most lives, and will never go away completely, but there are certain ways that you can manage it in order to continue with your daily routine without letting it get in the way.

Enjoy exercise!

Exercise offers the perfect solution to keeping fit and turning the clock back on aging and its affect on the body. Too many of us are so guilty of only exercising when we want to lose weight that we forget the physical and health benefits that regular exercise can really have upon your overall lifestyle. If you are guilty of only going to the gym to reach a goal weight, and then taking a few months off, you could really be missing out on some major health perks. Regular exercise can help keep your brain active, reduce inflammation, speed up healing processes and prevent type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions that can crop up over time.

Be social!

When you’re younger, your friends are the main part of your social calendar, and this really shouldn’t change the older you become. No matter what age, you should always find time to meet up with friends and laugh, a lot! Studies have shown that productive and satisfying friendships keep you mentally fresh, and in return can protect against depression, heart disease and even obesity. (Unless you’re ladies who lunch, every day, of course!) Meeting up with friends on a regular basis can make you feel energised and positive for days after, so make sure you dedicate a little of your busy schedule to catching up with loved ones and childhood friends.

Aging is inevitable for us all, but our expert skin and beauty treatments in Birmingham are scientifically designed to help you remain effortlessly ageless for longer. For more information please feel free to contact our friendly team on 07815 904578 or email us at


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Sun & Skin: How the Sun Affects your Skin

Summer is in sight and you know what that means – the sun is beginning to shine. We all love a bit of sun and sun bathing can be extremely tempting especially in the UK when good weather is fleeting. It is important to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays as too much exposure can cause the following affects:

Wrinkles & Premature Aging

Too much sun exposure can lead to premature aging and wrinkles; even the colour and texture of the skin can be changed because of sun damage. After years of exposure to the sun, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture and actually increases in thickness leading to fine lines and wrinkles – mainly visible around the mouth and eyes. Although these problems are cosmetic they can damage your self-esteem and seriously lower your confidence.

Skin Dryness & Texture Alterations

Healthy skin feels smooth, however sun damage can alter the surface texture of your skin by making it feel dry and uncomfortable. Although too much sun can increase the thickness of the skin it can also just as easily make it thinner and more easily damaged. The most commonly affected area is the back of the hands; subsequently you should always make sure that you moisturise thoroughly after having spent time in the sun and keep yourself thoroughly hydrated.

Be Aware

Be aware that frequent exposure to the sun’s UV rays is the main cause of skin cancer, so always use factor 15+ sunscreen when out in the sun and avoid burning; stay in the shade between 11am and 3pm. Although too much sun can damage the skin, it also needs it as it uses sunlight to help create vitamin D. This vitamin is important for normal bone formation. Like everything, exposure to the sun is good in moderation.

Here at Fiona Clossick we offer expert skin treatments at our skin clinic in Birmingham including wrinkle treatment, dermal fillers, skin peels, sculptra and more that can help with the cosmetic affects caused by sun damage. If you would like more information in regards to our skin treatments please get in contact with our helpful team who will be more than happy to help.

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Secrets of Ageless Beauty

They say that with age comes wisdom; whilst that’s true, we don’t necessarily want to show our wisdom on our faces! If you’re looking for ways to retain your youthful looks as you age (whether gracefully or disgracefully) then there are a range of facial aesthetic treatments that can help.

Wrinkle Removing Treatment

This is the treatment that people are most familiar with – and often one that they are most wary of too. Whilst it’s true that poorly applied wrinkle removing treatment can make the face seem unnaturally smooth, when applied correctly it will simply create a more relaxed and youthful appearance. The key is not to smooth out all the lines and wrinkles in the face, as some of them should be there to give your face expressiveness. Wrinkle removing treatment has worked wonders for celebrities such as Cindy Crawford, who freely admits to using wrinkle removing treatment and other procedures to maintain her looks.

Dermal Fillers

As with wrinkle removing treatment, a properly applied dermal filler treatment shouldn’t be noticeable; the effect you want is that of a more youthful you, so that everybody will know that you look good, but won’t be able to tell why! Dermal fillers help to plump up lips that have lost their fullness, and firm up jawlines and sagging cheeks. It’s like a facelift but without the surgery, and as the fillers gradually break down naturally over a period of time (between 9 months and 2 years, depending on the filler used) these treatments are very safe.


While other treatments are aimed at treating individual lines and wrinkles, Sculptra stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, which will gradually restore a youthful appearance. This is ideal if your skin is losing some elasticity and you’re beginning to notice that your cheeks look sunken or you’re developing jowls.

Whatever effects time is having on your skin, there are facial aesthetic treatments to help. Whether you’re looking for wrinkle removing treatment, Sculptra or dermal filler in Birmingham, simply get in touch on 0781 5904578 and I will be happy to advise you on the best treatments to maintain your ageless style.


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Keep Yourself Looking Young with Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle treatment is well known as a facial anti-aging treatment, and it accounts for just under 40% of non surgical treatments carried out throughout the UK. It’s no secret that wrinkle treatment makes you look younger, and, with many people reluctant to go under the surgeon’s knife, wrinkle treatment continues to grow in popularity.

One of the greatest advantages of wrinkle treatment is the fact that it removes frown lines in the regions of the mid-forehead, periorbital, perioral and nasal labial folds. Although this removal is not permanent, it does last for a considerable period. If you want to see the benefits of plastic surgery without any of the hassle, then you should consider wrinkle treatment.

It is a sad fact that age catches up with all of us, we’ve all looked in the mirror and wanted to wipe away those wrinkles. Wrinkle treatment works by relaxing the facial muscles, which results in smoother skin; thus reducing wrinkles. This treatment can also give your eyebrows a lift. As we grow older, our eyebrows lose their arch and start to look duller. Whether you have dull brows or sagging skin below your eyebrows, wrinkle treatment can breathe a new lease of life into your face.

Here is a comprehensive list of what wrinkle treatment combats:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Horizontal brow lines
  • Glabellar lines
  • Bunny lines
  • Chemical brow lift
  • Smokers’ lines
  • Gummy smiles
  • Dimply chin
  • Broad face
  • Neck lines and bands
  • Marionette lines
  • Hyperhidrosis

Noticeable results can be obtained after a single injection, with the effects generally lasting between 3- 5 months. The procedure is simple and extremely quick to perform, but it is important to be aware of the fact that it can take between 5-7 days for the treatment to work.

Here at Fiona Clossick, we can carry out treatments for wrinkle treatment in Birmingham, so get in touch with us today on 07815904578. We can also provide you with a range of other skin treatments, including skin peels in Birmingham to rejuvenate your skin and reduce pigmentation issues.

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Main Causes Of Wrinkled Skin

As we grow older our skin begins to wrinkle. Whatever precautions we take against it, it is an unavoidable and natural part of life. However, taking care of your skin throughout life will help to make sure that your skin keeps its plump, youthful look as long as possible. Regular moisturizing and application of anti ageing products really can help to maintain the look of your skin.

At a certain point in life though, you will undoubtedly begin to see the formation of wrinkles; especially around the face. There are three layers to the human skin (the epidermis, the dermis and subcutaneous tissue) and it is the impact that time has on these that is the key to understanding why the skin wrinkles.


The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. Being constantly exposed to the elements means that it is the epidermis that shows signs of ageing first. The amount of epidermal cells that are produced drops by around 10% every decade, and these divide more slowly over time; meaning that the skin does not heal as quickly or thoroughly. The combination of this lessening in cell production, coupled with the fact that the skin holds less moisture, ensures that the epidermis will gradually show signs of ageing over time.


The dermis is the second layer of skin under the epidermis, and contains all of the structural elements of the skin that give it the elasticity that is so prevalent in youthful skin. The depletion of the dermal layer has a huge effect on the structure of the skin. The elastic fibres in the skin wear out, and this leads the skin to sag and look older.

Subcutaneous tissue

The subcutaneous tissue is mostly made up of fat cells that provide insulation, as well as giving the skin a plump appearance. As we age, these fat cells naturally get smaller and are no longer able to maintain the skins plumpness; making it sag and wrinkle.

Thankfully though, there are ways to turn back the hands of time and give your skin back that youthful vigour. Here at Fiona Clossick we offer a range of treatments for wrinkles in Birmingham, including procedures such as wrinkle treatment and dermal fillers, that will counteract the effects that ageing has on your skin. If you are unsure about which procedure is perfect for you, then why not contact us today and get the professional advice that you need?

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Dermal Fillers- Your Non-Surgical Solution to a More Youthful Look

Everyone wants to keep hold of their youthful looks, but it’s a sad fact of life that, as we get older, fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. Here at Fiona Aesthetics, we understand that you want to look as young as you feel, and we offer a comprehensive range of procedures to achieve this. What follows is our guide to dermal fillers, detailing what they are used for and what intrinsic advantages they have over other anti-aging treatments.


Uses of Dermal Fillers


Dermal fillers are perfect for plumping and smoothing problem areas such as:

  • Nose and mouth groves
  • Forehead lines
  • Frown furrows
  • Lipstick lines
  • Acne pits
  • Crow’s feet


Benefits of Dermal Fillers


Dermal fillers have a huge range of benefits that make them preferable to other anti-aging procedures (depending on what problem areas a patient has).

  • Longevity- Dermal fillers range from temporary, lasting 9-12 months, to semi-permanent, lasting 2 years, making them a brilliant solution if you desire long term results.


  • Natural results- Unlike certain anti-aging treatments, dermal fillers do not effect movement in facial muscles, thereby creating a more natural and youthful look.


  • Instant affect- The results of dermal fillers are instantaneous, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles from the very first treatment, and allowing you to walk out of the clinic looking years younger (unlike many other treatments).


  • Technologically advanced man made fillers (such as the Restylane and Teosyal used in our clinic) are animal-free and they require no test prior to treatment; making them the perfect option if you are worried about side effects.


  • Dermal fillers have a plumping effect and therefore can be used not only to smooth wrinkles and lines, but also to improve the skin’s texture after acne and other conditions


Dermal fillers are an excellent option for many different skin complaints, offering a fantastic non-surgical solution to rejuvenate and smooth skin. If you are looking for dermal fillers in Birmingham, or would like to learn about what this treatment could do to transform the look of your skin, get in touch today and book a free consultation.

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Give your self-confidence a helping hand with Wrinkle Treatment

Looking good is important to everyone. Even those that claim not to care really are concerned with how they appear, and inevitably take some steps to look the way they desire. This need to look good is inbuilt into us, and the need to be attractive is part of our human nature. Unfortunately the effects of time can affect the way we look dramatically, and leave us not feeling like ourselves anymore.

When we don’t feel like ourselves it is highly likely that we will lose some of our self-confidence and become constantly aware of the changes that time has forced upon our bodies. For many, this can become a severely limiting feeling and can really inhibit their lives. People do not want to go out in public as they feel that they are embarrassed by their crows-feet and wrinkles, and choose instead to avoid those social occasions and get into a vicious cycle of feeling worse and worse.

‘Negative body’ is one of the most common causes of depression and affects people to varying degrees throughout their life. Thankfully, there are ways to take matters into your own hands and to take control of your own body image, drastically improving your self-confidence by having an aesthetic skin procedure to restore your skin’s natural youthfulness. Wrinkle treatment is the most popular skin treatment and is known worldwide for its incredible rejuvenating properties. By relaxing muscles in the face wrinkle treatment can lessen wrinkles and folds and give you the youthful look that you have been looking for.

Here at Fiona Clossick we understand the brilliance of wrinkle treatment and know how it can have a hugely positive impact on people’s lives. Providing facial aesthetic procedures, including wrinkle treatment in Birmingham, we help our clients to get their self-confidence back and feel better within themselves. We seek to start a positive cycle with people by giving them their positive body image back; allowing them to no longer feel the need to avoid certain social occasions that may have been a problem in the past.

So if you feel that you may have lost a little of your youthful looks, then why not contact us and see exactly what procedures we can offer to you to give you your self confidence back?

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Happy Christmas from Fiona Clossick!

We would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to all of our customers from everybody here at Fiona Clossick Aesthetics, and wish you the greatest success in all aspects of life and business going into the New Year.

It has reached that festive time of year again, and as 2013 is drawing to a close this is also the perfect opportunity to reflect back on the events of the last year. Through providing dedicated and personal customer service, and offering an increasing range of new and exciting products and treatments, these new experiences have helped us to continue to develop our business in a way which has not only been beneficial to ourselves, but every single one of customers, as we are able to provide the best possible value as well as results to all of our valued clients.

This year has been a very exciting one for us here at Fiona Clossick Aesthetics, and we are very proud to have been able to offer an ever increasing range of aesthetic treatments for all of our valued customers as well as being able to welcome many new clients, helping you to achieve smooth, radiant and wrinkle free skin. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of our clients for your custom over the past year, which really has been our best year to date, and we hope that our level of customer service as well as the effectiveness and lasting results of all of our treatments has met the highest of expectations.

Going into the New Year we hope to be able to continue to expand the range of treatments we offer, so that no matter what aspect of your skin you wish to improve, we will have the perfect solution for you, whilst ensuring we not only maintain but build on the excellent level of care and consideration we have given at all times to all of our clients over the past 12 months. We are proud to be able to offer a service which can help to make anybody feel more confident within their own skin, providing treatment that really does work.

Whatever direction this year has taken you, we hope that it has been an enjoyable and rewarding one, and that the high quality treatments we offer here at Fiona Clossick Aesthetics are able to help you to live your life to the fullest next year, and feel as comfortable and confident as you can within yourself.

Again, we would like to wish you a Happy Christmas and hope that going into the future our personalised and dedicated service here at Fiona Clossick Aesthetics will continue to suit your needs.

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